Being Naturally Healthy
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If you are reading my post, you are always trying to find ways to naturally improve a loved one’s and your quality of life as much as possible.
Well, have you ever thought about having a personal Off Script® consultant pharmacist to think outside the pillbox and be your advocate?
Medications eating up the monthly budget?
Do you or a loved one take many costly medications?
Have you ever consider having a dedicated meeting with a consultant pharmacist? During the appointment, you or a loved one are welcome to share concerns about expensive prescriptions and the total monthly medication costs.
Afterwards, I will thoroughly look through the med list; and by the end of our conversation, I might be able to provide some suggestions of less expensive but equally effective medications. Furthermore, I could possibly decrease the number of prescriptions on the list. However, we will need to discuss any recommendation changes with the prescribers; and I will be able to assist in coordinating communication with all providers.
Are the medications working? Are the prescriptions causing more problems?
As you or a loved one are/is taking more and more medications, are you wondering whether each prescription is the best option? Additionally, are you worrying whether a medication is causing unwanted side effects? If so, have you consider having a consultant pharmacist provide a genetics test?
The test can provide another piece of the puzzle to help improve the likelihood of finding the best possible medication and doses!
You and your loved one are unique; and the genetics test can possibly increase our understanding of the effect of different medications on you and your loved one. As a result, the test is a potentially useful tool to help us limit side effects and interactions.
Do you or a loved one have a preference for being naturally healthy?
Are you or a loved one interested in natural medications; but you are worried about their interactions with prescriptions?
During my personal visit, we can discuss about your or your loved one’s health goals. Afterwards, I will be able to find the dosages for natural, herbal, or supplemental medications with the best evidence for these goals.
I will also ensure that the natural medications do not have worrisome interactions with current prescriptions and medical conditions. Furthermore, some prescriptions can potentially result in vitamin deficiency; so, I can provide you with a list of supplements for consideration.
Is seeing a consultant pharmacist inconvenient?
In addition to the daily tasks in your busy schedule, you are also trying to take great care of yourself and have work-life balance.
Therefore, I am excited to provide convenient access to me – your personal pharmacist!
If you reside in certain areas of Wisconsin, I am currently offering house calls. However, if you do not prefer meetings in your home, I actually have a HIPAA-compliant app, which will allow personal and secure face-to-face conversations.
If you are not a Wisconsin resident, I am also currently licensed to practice pharmacy in additional states. Therefore, please feel free to contact me to find out. We might be able to connect via phone, HIPAA-compliant app, or secure e-mail.
How to connect with your personal Off Script consultant pharmacist?
As you can deduce, my intention is to increase your awareness of some potentially useful services that might help naturally improve a loved one’s and your quality of life as much as possible.
I found Off Script Consults because I truly enjoy providing enhanced pharmacy care; and I appreciate your considering me to be part of the healthcare team.
If you are interested in a further discussion with me, please feel free to get in touch with me through the following contact information. I look forward to hearing from you!
Phone: 805-391-7974
Social Media (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest)
Ross earned her doctorate in pharmacy (PharmD) at The University of Texas at Austin (UT Austin). Her years of experience practicing in various pharmacy settings also lead to multiple board certifications, including ambulatory care, geriatrics, and pharmacotherapy. She currently serves as the director of the PharmacyChecker international verification program.
Ross also founded Off Script Consults, a pharmacy consulting business. She strives to combine her passion for pharmacy, education, and writing to improve the quality of life and financial outcomes for people with chronic medical conditions, caregivers, and healthcare providers.
She particularly enjoys creating relatable and helpful content for her readers and viewers. She is a medical writer with a focus on digital health publications and medical communications. For writing samples, please visit her Muck Rack portfolio. For videos, please visit her “Off Script Consults” YouTube channel.
Ross currently resides with her husband and two dogs in her home state of Texas to be closer to family. She also tries to find time for hobbies, which include rock climbing, running, and playing pickle ball.
Find out more about Ross via phone, e-mail, or social media (LinkedIn, TikTok, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Pinterest).